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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Mr. Fischer is a character mentioned in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a neighbor of the Greene family, alongside his wife Mrs. Fischer. He is also one of the walkers kept in the Greene Family farm.


Greene Family Farm[]

Almost nothing is known about Mr. Fischer's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was probably friends with Hershel and his family. Otis most likely put him in the barn some time after the outbreak.


Season 2[]


Mr. Fischer is first mentioned by Maggie when she is fighting with Glenn about what to call the walkers. He is one of the family's neighbors and when he became infected, he was put in Hershel's barn along with his wife and several other walkers.

"Pretty Much Dead Already"[]

Mr. Fischer was killed along with all the other walkers in the barn when Shane opened the doors and the group of Atlanta Survivors shot everyone that was inside.


Mr. Fisher's body is seen at the beginning of the episode on the ground. Later in the episode, it is burned by T-Dog.


Killed By

Mr. Fischer is somehow bitten by walkers and succumbed to the infection. Later, he is put either before or after reanimation inside the farm barn by Otis on Hershel's orders.

After Shane forces the barn doors open, a zombified Mr. Fischer and the walkers exit the barn and are systematically killed by the Survivors. Mr. Fischer was put down by either Shane, Andrea, Glenn, T-Dog, or Daryl, as they were the only members of the group shooting the walkers.


TV Series[]

Season 2[]
