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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Tammy's right. Shit's gotten out of hand. Dante's crew ain't back yet, and she's just leaving them to die. Still refusing to send someone after them.
―Mr. Harlan talking about Maggie Greene[src]

Mr. Harlan (first name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Hilltop Colony, alongside his wife and son.


Location Unknown[]

Not much is known about Mr. Harlan's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he lived with his wife and son.


Whispers Into Screams[]

When Carl Grimes defended Sophia and himself from the bullies that previously attacked Brian because of his looks, he immediately showed up at the infirmary, carrying his son and his friend's bodies on a blanket. He then threatened Carl and Maggie along with his wife, saying that the boy should be locked up because of his attack. Although Carl insists it was an act of self-defense, he keeps arguing with Maggie. He finally convinces her of giving Carl some sort of punishment. After that, Maggie sends her him and Tammy to their trailer. He is then seen sitting on a dinner table inside the trailer with his wife and the Rose family. They discuss Maggie's power, and how no one voted or had an opinion on her new occupation; implying that she just began to yell out orders. When start thinking about a way of ending her "reckless" power, Gregory suggests they kill her.

Rest In Peace[]

Mr. Harlan is not seen or heard after the 23 year time jump. It is possible he is still living at Hilltop or was killed in the Whisperer War.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims the man has killed.

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies





Comic Series[]

Volume 23: Whispers Into Screams[]


  • This man's surname was revealed to be Harlan within Issue 140.