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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Nanites are a nanotechnology developed by the aliens that was brought to earth following their invasion.


Nanites are small yellow robots designed to heal wounds. According to Andrea, it's all about brain activity. As long as neurons are still firing, the nanites can bring people back from the brink of death, as long as someone hasn't experienced total brain death yet.


The aliens created the nanites and used them to heal themselves and revive those who died.


Following the alien's invasion of Earth, they presumably used the nanites to revive several survivors to fight in their army, such as the Governor, Lori Grimes, Tyreese, Axel, and Caesar Martínez. At some point, the Freedom Fighters stole a bunch of the alien's technology, including the nanites.

"Chapter 3"[]

After Rick is sliced in half by the alien, Andrea shows up and kills it. She uses the nanites to heal and reattach Rick's body and explains to him how it works.

Healed Character[]

The following is a list of characters who have been healed with Nanites:
