“ | If Nathaniel would stop eating like a goddamn pig, our shit would last much longer.
” |
Nathaniel is a survivor of the outbreak mentioned in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Alexandria Safe-Zone.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Nathaniel's life before the apocalypse.
Nathaniel at some point joined the Alexandria Safe-Zone, and began doing patrols with Darius.
Whispers Into Screams[]
"Issue 133"[]
As Darius runs into Paul Monroe during patrol, Darius mentions that Nathaniel keeps eating their food like it's his last meal, and that Paul needs to talk to him again, however when Paul asks where Nathaniel is, Darius mentions that he hasn't checked in since the morning. While Darius rides out with Paul and two other guards, one of the guards ask Darius why Nathaniel would've rode out his far out of the mapped zone, and Darius replies that Nathaniel between runs liked to search the outskirts for knickknacks as a hobby, and once he searched a house and found baseball cards.
Later while searching under an overpass, Paul calls off the search as he thinks that he's just waiting back at the outpost and that they missed him because he was off looking for some rare coins. Darius asks if they should send a flare up in case he is close, but Paul replies that he is on his own. It is also highly possible that he was one of the first victims of the Whisperers.