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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This guard is a former antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He is the guard indirectly responsible for causing the zombie invasion in Richmond.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began. He most likely lived near or in Richmond.


A New Frontier[]

Some time after the outbreak, he joined up with the New Frontier, and became a member of the community.

"Thicker Than Water"[]

This man is among the members of the New Frontier present at David's execution in the town square, after he was accused of treason by Joan. After David accuses her of lying, Joan will reveal the body of Badger, along with (Determinant) Lonnie, Paul Lingard, and/or Max, causing this man to react with shock with the other residents. Joan will then order another guard to bring out Tripp and Ava, afterwards telling this man to hold Clementine and Gabe at gunpoint, forcing Javier to make a decision on who should live.

After Tripp (Determinant) or Ava (Determinant) is executed, Javier has a choice to either shoot Joan on the spot, or accept Clint's deal on leaving Richmond. (Determinant) Regardless, a gunfight will break out if Joan is shot, or if Clint is shot dead by David, resulting in this man running for cover as bullets start flying.

When Kate arrives in an armored truck to evacuate Javier and his group, this guard suddenly emerges and lights a Molotov cocktail. Before Javier can stop him, he throws it at the front of the truck, causing Kate to lose control of the vehicle and crash into the wall, killing Conrad in the process (Determinant) and creating an opening, allowing the zombies outside to invade Richmond. This results in several Richmond residents being bitten or devoured by the invading zombies, including Ida, an unnamed guard, Rufus (Determinant), Tripp if he was saved by Javier (Determinant), and Kate herself. (Determinant)

"From The Gallows"[]

This guard is seen after the dust settles and is seen talking with two other citizens while Jesus and Javier are talking.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims that this guard has killed:


The Telltale Series[]

A New Frontier[]


  • This guard is confirmed to still be alive.[1]

