This guard is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. She is a member of the New Frontier.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this guard's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
A New Frontier[]
"Above The Law"[]
This guard arrives at Richmond's church along with another guard to escort Javier García out of the community after Joan and Clint exile him. She and another guard hold Javier's group at gunpoint outside the walls as they slowly make their way back inside. Soon after, Ava arrives to give them David's bag of supplies.
Later, this guard is seen once again in Richmond's church with David and Joan at the end of the episode. If Javier chose to leave with Kate, then Ava won't be present during this scene. This guard won't approve of Joan's manipulation and/or what she's done and will leave the building in disgust.
"Thicker Than Water"[]
This guard is seen patrolling Richmond as Javier and Gabe sneak through it. Later, she is seen at David's execution.
"From The Gallows"[]
After walkers start to enter Richmond, this guard is seen in the shootout. She and another guard will open fire on Javier as he goes behind cover. Javier will fire three shots behind him, one of which hits this guard in the arm. She runs away, leaving her fate unknown.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this guard has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people
The Telltale Series[]
A New Frontier[]
- "Above The Law" (No Lines)
- "Thicker Than Water" (No Lines)
- "From The Gallows" (No Lines)
- If Javier chooses to attempt to escape Richmond with Kate in "Above The Law", this guard will be present at the church as Joan has him and David apprehended and storm out, visibly disgusted with her actions. However, she later shoots at Javier in "From The Gallows", despite seeming to previously be in agreement with his and David's claims.