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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the All-Stars character. For other pages with the same name, see: Nicholas

Nicholas is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Nicholas's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Nicholas' Story - Meaningful Gift[]

Nicholas is having lunch, thinking about how long it will be for the new fortifications for Asyl's defenses will take. Once lunch ends, he addresses his crew before heading back to work; however he soon spots Henry in the crowd. Nicholas goes to Henry and asks him what he's doing there, with Henry responding that he just wants to help. Nicholas tells him that this is no place for the kid, but as soon as Henry is about to walk away, Nicholas invites him to talk. They discuss how Henry had already gotten in trouble, especially with Brody, for having snuck out with a scouting group in the past. Henry argues that everyone, even kids his own age, are helping out in the community, while he's constantly told to not interfere. Seeing where Henry is coming from, Nicholas decides to demonstrate something to him. Nicholas picks up his saw and begins to cut a piece of wood, picking up the sawdust afterwards and handing it to Henry. Nicholas then asks Henry is he can use the sawdust, to which he says no. Suddenly Nicholas throws the sawdust at Henry's face, much to the kids anger. Nicholas then washes the kids face before stating that even the sawdust still had some use despite its apparent uselessness. Afterwards, Nicholas hands Henry a notepad and pen and tells him how ever these things, which everyone else ignored, can be valuable if used correctly. Nicholas then leaves while Henry is grateful for the new gift he received.

Chapter 56 - Last Moments[]

Fanya is leading a scouting group consisting of Nicholas, Sean, and Ryan. She reminds them that this will be the final official scouting run for some time as they reclaim the city from the undead. The group begins to fight with each other as Nicholas worries for Sean's deteriorating, Ryan getting impatient with Sean and Nicholas, and everyone wondering why Nicholas was even allowed to go on the run given that he's their towns construction foreman. Fanya tries to keep the peace between everyone as they clear out a building that they'll destroy to begin the cities reclamation. Once they reach the building, the four of them split up with Fanya and Nicholas going to see where they can place the explosives to destroy the building while Sean and Ryan search the building for supplies. Fanya and Nicholas reach a door that should have some more tools that they need to fully complete their task. Seeing that the door wont budge, Fanya picks the door's locks. Nicholas starts to ask about her past, even stating that he's not the only one who has questions about it; however, Fanya immediately shuts him down by saying that none of it matters. Nicholas agrees and says that he should be thankful for her help.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Nicholas has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people