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The following is a complete list of the most Notable Zombies that DO NOT have a name in Image Comics ' The Walking Dead . They play a significant role in the series and have impacted the survivors in some way.
Cafeteria Zombie
Late 20s to early 40s
Was the first 'living' zombie Rick Grimes encountered.
Police Station Zombie
Late 30s to early 40s
Rick Grimes initially wanted to put him down, but Morgan told him not to for the sake of conserving ammo.
Atlanta Outskirts, Georgia [ ]
Forest Zombie
Was the first zombie to be shown alive after decapitation
Jim's Zombie
Bit Jim
Shooting Range Zombie
Caused the zombies in Hershel 's barn to escape; caused the deaths of Arnold and Lacey.
Hershel's Farm Zombies
Killed Lacey and Arnold and revealed the undead son of Hershel's, Shawn .
Woodbury [ ]
Stevens' Biter
Killed Stevens , and the shot that killed him attracted more zombies.
Caesar's Biter
Attacked Martinez , and his death attracts more zombies.
Prison [ ]
Dale's Lurker
Bit Dale on his ankle, resulting in his foot amputation.
Research Zombie
Used by Alice for research, used by Carol for suicide.
Prison [ ]
Prison Zombies
These zombies overran the prison after the Governor and his army destroyed the fence with a tank.
Unknown Town [ ]
Starving Zombie
The survivors learned that zombies can starve to the point where they become immobile.
Cynthiana, Kentucky [ ]
The Herd
As the survivors leave behind Rick's hometown after picking up Morgan. The group drives upon a massive herd which results in a almost fatal car wreck of which launches Abraham into the herd. The group would then be chased by the herd until finally outrunning them after getting the remaining group and driving off.
Bruce's Zombie
Unspecified 30's to 60's
This zombie fatally bit Bruce , causing his death
Tobin's Zombies
These zombies attacked and devoured Tobin
Morgan's Zombie
Bit Morgan on the arm as he was fighting the herd, causing his demise
Jesse and Ron's Zombies
These zombies bit and devoured Ron and Jesse Anderson as the attempted to escape the Alexandria Herd. Being taken down after one of the zombies noticed Ron peeing himself as they moved through the undead crowd. They were quickly rushed and devoured. Jesse not wanting to be left and begging for help held Carl's hand as she was dragged into the feast. Rick was forced to hack off her hand to save his son, leaving them for the herd.
Douglas' Zombies
These zombies surrounded and devoured Douglas
Alexandria Herd
Swarmed the Alexandria Safe-Zone after the deaths of Pete, Derek, and his scavengers. Responsible for the deaths of Tobin, Bruce, Morgan, Ron, Jesse, and Douglas. Helped encourage the survivors to better fortify the safe zone to prevent future attacks.
Rotting Zombie
Unspecified 30's to 60's
Shows that zombies eventually decay
Abraham's Zombie
late 20's to mid 30's
Was discovered eating the body of the deceased Abraham . The zombie was then killed and the body of Abraham was dragged back to the Alexandria Safe-Zone, just as more zombies approached to feast on the dead Abraham.
Spear Zombie
Unspecified 20s to 60s
Savior Base Zombies
Are used by the Saviors to scare off intruders, and masque their base from zombies.
The Kingdom Zombies
Were used as target practice by the Kingdom survivors in preparation for the assault on The Saviors.
The Sanctuary Herd
This herd is shown in Issue 116 closing in on the battle taking place at The Sanctuary; attracted by the noise.
Savior Outpost [ ]
Shiva's Swarm
This herd is shown in Issue 118 after a siege on one of The Saviors outpost results in the massacre of almost all of Ezekiel's men, including Richard. While escaping, Ezekiel is attacked and almost killed by the gathering horde of undead. Luckily, Shiva returns and saves her master, but at the cost of her own life; being outnumbered and swarmed by the hungry dead.