Prison Yard Walkers
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Seed "
As Rick and the surviving group arrive at the prison they find that the prison yard is overwhelmed with the undead. They soon begin plotting how to get inside the prison and take out the roamers.
Arrow Walker
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Seed "
While sneaking his way through the overrun prison yard, he is distracted and is almost attacked by this walker. The walker is quickly taken down by Daryl as he provides cover for him.
Riot Gear Walkers
Hair Color
Unknown due to helmet
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Seed "
As Rick and company kill walkers inside the Prison yard, four walkers in riot gear appear which makes them harder to kill. Another also appears after Hershel's amputation.
Gas Mask Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Seed "
As walkers in riot gear appear, this walker comes out and attacks Maggie, Rick then shoves him down and rips off his mask, removing the skin on his face as well.
Prison Walkers
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Sick "
Were former prisoners of the West Correctional Facility
Hershel's Lurker
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Seed "
"Seed "
Bit Hershel on the ankle, causing his amputation.
Cuffed Convict Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Sick "
"Sick "
After Big Tiny comes to terms with how close he was to be killed after killing multiple walkers after he split away from the group, this walker sneaks up from behind him, hands and feet cuffed. The walker then rips its own hand off revealing its wrist bone and stabs Big Tiny in the shoulder, causing his demise.
Prisoner Group Walkers
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Sick "
"Sick "
After being threatened by Rick and being told to listen to him and that he is no longer the leader, Tomas began plotting his revenge. Later, after brutally beating Big Tiny as a message to Rick, Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog note that if he continues his brutal behavior to take him down. After being given proper weapons to fight the undead, Tomas is told to open a door that leads to a large room of walkers. He, instead, opens both doors and the undead prisoners begin to swarm the room.
Tomas's Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
As Rick and company fight off a large herd of walkers, (see "Prisoner Group Walkers") this walker was thrown directly at Rick by Tomas in an attempt to kill him. The walker is quickly taken out by Daryl, who saves Rick as it snaps its jaws at him. When asked why he did this, Tomas explained, "Shit Happens".
C-Section Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Sick "
"Sick "
As everyone gathers around Hershel, Carol seeks help from Glenn, she then takes him out and points out this walker. Explaining to Glenn now that Hershel is unconscious and not able, she will have to perform a Cesarean on Lori and wishes to practice on this walker. The walker is then killed by Carol and is pulled behind the fence. She then begins to perform a cesarean on the walker.
Andrew's Walkers
Were the first two walkers that Andrew led into the prison, causing the deaths of many of Rick's group. Using a deer carcass and limbs as bait to attract nearby walkers into the prison. The Prison was cleared of walkers in Season 4, so they are most likely dead.
Prison Courtyard Biter
As walkers began to invade the courtyard of the prison, T-Dog quickly fought back several and attempted to lock the gate to prevent more from entering. As he did this, this walker approached behind him and then fatally bit into his shoulder, causing his demise.
Lori's Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
As Rick searches for Lori's body, he finds the room where she died, but her body is missing. As he inspects the blood pool, he follows it around the corner to this walker who has eaten her remains, bones and all. Out of rage, Rick sticks his gun in its mouth and shoots it, killing it. After this he takes out his knife in rage and repeatedly stabs the walker in the stomach.
"Walker Bomb"
As the Governor and his men attacked the prison, one of his men drove through the outer gates of the prison and quickly stopped. The back of the doors were then opened and the driver ran off back to the Governor, having unleashed a mass group of walkers into the field, almost killing Hershel. These walkers aren't seen in Season 4 because the courtyard is cleared, indicating that they are dead.
The Dixon's Walkers
First Appearance
Last Appearance
"Home "
"Home "
During the first assault, as multiple walkers enter the inner gate (see "Walker Bomb"), Rick is caught off guard by two walkers who pin him up against the chain link fence, inches away from biting him. He is saved though as the Dixon brothers return, deciding to stay with Rick's group.
"Guardian Angel" Walker
Late 20's to Early 30's
While traveling to the Prison, Andrea and Milton run into this walker. After subduing the zombie, Andrea hacked off its arms and then curb-stomped it on its own arms to break its jaw, so as to not bite. As Andrea begins to wrangle the zombie, she refers to it as her "Guardian Angel"; the zombie's body odor covers her scent so other zombies don't attack her. She then proceeds off to the Prison and where she later discards the zombie, the walkers outside the prison no longer appear at the prison in Season 4, meaning that the "Guardian Angel" walker and the rest of the walkers have been put down.