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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This one-eyed dog is a dog that appears in AMC's The Walking Dead.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this dog's life before or as the outbreak began.


Season 4[]


Daryl Dixon and Beth Greene are staying in a funeral home. They stop when they hear noises outside. Daryl tells Beth to stand back when he goes to investigate. When opening the front door, he finds a one-eyed dog on the front porch. He attempts to pet it, but the dog runs away in fear. Beth asks if the dog will come in, to which Daryl becomes upset she didn't stay back. Beth says it's only a dog and seems saddened it wouldn't come in, to which Daryl replies maybe it will come back later.

At night, they hear the dog from before barking, then it begins squealing in pain. Daryl goes to the door and is immediately attacked by a horde of walkers lurking upon the door.


Killed By

This dog is heard barking, then starts squealing, signifying it was devoured by walkers.


TV Series[]

Season 4[]


  • This dog is one of two animal characters to be an amputatee.
    • The other character with this distinction is Mason.
    • The actor, Dooley. lost his eye while protecting his owner during a carjacking; because of this, he had the "perfect look of an apocalypse survivor" and was brought on the show.