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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Pas-de-Calais is a department in France that appears in The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon.


Inhabited since prehistoric times, the Pas-de-Calais region was populated in turn by the Celtic Belgae, the Romans, the Germanic Franks and the Alemanni. During the fourth and fifth centuries, the Roman practice of co-opting Germanic tribes to provide military and defence services along the route from Boulogne-sur-Mer to Cologne created a Germanic-Romance linguistic border in the region that persisted until the eighth century.


In 2010, much like the rest of the world, Pas-de-Calais was affected by the spread of the Wildfire Virus and its resulting apocalypse, causing the collapse of society at a massive scale.

Season 2[]

"Au Revoir Les Enfants"[]

Daryl's Group passes through Pas-de-Calais to reach the Channel Tunnel.


  • Numerous unnamed people

Notable Locations[]
