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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Patrick Sutherland is a character mentioned in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead Story Sync.


Culver City, California[]

Patrick lives in Culver City, California near Los Angeles with family. He is neighbors with the Harold family, including the mother and her children.


Due to unknown causes, Patrick became infected and reanimated into a zombie while at his home in Culver City. After causing a ruckus in his home and sending his family into hiding, he made his way outside into an alleyway and started eating a neighbor's cat. Around that time, he was encountered by two Los Angeles Police Department officers and was ordered to surrender. However, the zombified man failed to stand down and was ultimately shot and killed.


Killed By
  • Unknown Cause (Alive)

Due to unknown circumstances, Patrick died and reanimated into a walker.

After a complaint was called in about a zombified Patrick eating a neighbor's cat, David and Ryan tried to detain him but when they were unable to they were forced to put him down.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Patrick Sutherland has killed:

  • 1 cat (Infected)