Pierce is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Pierce's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Pierce's Story - Fresh Meat[]
Pierce comes across a young girl who's surrounded by three Raiders and several other people that they have seemingly killed. He comes up behind the raiders and kills them. The young girl passes out during this event. When she wakes up, she notices that she's still tied up and there are no bodies to be found. All she sees is Pierce eating some meat, which she quickly deduces that it's human meat, more specifically Miles. She asks him if he's gonna kill her, but he doesn't respond.
Dispatch - An Uncomfortable Deal[]
Pierce asks the residents of Asyl if they have any unused chains that he can have.
Survival Records - Heaven & Hell[]
Scott and Eva are in a forest and are tasked with bringing Pierce into Asyl; however, Eva has some trepidations regarding his acceptance into the community given that it's known that he is a cannibal. She admits that she's done stuff to survive, but never gone so far as to kill and eat someone. Scott states that it's not his place to judge what other peoples actions are, especially given his past. When question how he can accept a cannibal into the community, Scott comments that a supply runner was saved by Pierce and that the community needs good fighters, especially with the constant presence of The Raiders. Scott states that he's willing to accept Pierce if he repents for his sins. Eva asks Scott if he still is religious, to which he says that he doesn't know anymore. The pair eventually find Pierce and ask him if he wants to join Asyl. Although Pierce accepts the invitation, Eva begins to throw accusations of Pierce's cannibalistic tendencies, to which Pierce pretends to not know what she's talking about. Eva keeps inquiring about Pierce's past as a cannibal to which Pierce repeatedly responds with that everyone has done something they're not proud of. When Scott is asked for his opinion on the situation, he states that the past is the past and he just wants to move on, and although he's not comfortable with it, he'll be okay as long as Pierce doesn't continue to do it. Pierce hypothetically asks Scott what his chances are of getting into heaven if he was a cannibal and renounced his ways to which Scott replies that he will never get into heaven even if he were to repent for his actions.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Pierce has killed:
- Pierce is one of two characters to not be the main protagonist of their personal backstory.
- The other character with this distinction is Fynn.
- Although Pierce is a cannibal, he is not part of the Cannibals as he states that he prefers to be alone before joining Asyl.