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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

A Push Dagger is a small knife. It is the favored weapon of Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki.


Fear the Walking Dead[]

Al's favored weapon, aside from the guns on her SWAT van, is a small push dagger which is highly effective at putting down walkers. When captured by Madison Clark, she is able to discreetly use her push dagger to cut through her zip ties.

Following the crash of Morgan's Group's Plane, Al fights a strange armored walker. The walker's helmet protects him from the dagger, preventing Al from being able to put him down. Al manages to kick the walker onto the plane's landing gear and records him with her camera. Later that night, Al returns to the crash site, removes the walker's helmet and uses her dagger to finally put him down.

Al continues to use her push dagger during her time with The Pioneers, using it to put down a number of zombified Statler Funeral Home residents and Creative Visionaries Agency office workers.

While recovering her SWAT van, Al uses her push dagger to put down a zombified Jason Riley.

World Beyond[]

While fighting Huck with Kill Sticks, Jadis draws a push dagger and stabs Huck in the side while she is distracted with their kill sticks being locked, mortally wounding Huck. Huck dies of the wound a few minutes later and her body is presumably destroyed in the explosion that consumes Civic Republic Cull Facility 1 and the Chlorine Gas.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with a push dagger:
