R (real name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Nothing is known about R's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was born and raised in Asia.
R's Story - The Reason[]
Billy and Frank are outside a building discussing if R should be inside. Billy says to trust R as he has everything taken care of. Inside the building, R is comforting Anna who is dying from a bite. Anna wonders if she'll ever hear R speak, but at the same time doesn't care much as she's happy that he stayed with her. She tells him to make sure that she doesn't turn as well. Suddenly, R speaks and apologizes for letting this happen. He then goes on to say in very broken English that he doesn't speak because of how he sounds. He pulls out an English textbook and shows that he's been practicing on his own to better his English ever since he arrived in America after the apocalypse. Anna laughs and is happy she got to hear him speak before dying. R honors her wish and makes sure she doesn't turn.
At some point, he got separated from his group and made his way to Asyl.
R & Hudson & George's Story - Like The Good Old Days[]
R and Hudson are playing a rock throwing game to see which of the two is stronger. George, who's delivering some documents from The Commonwealth to Asyl, sees them playing and is invited to play. George asks what does the winner get to which Hudson replies with Sardines. R wins the game and shares his winnings with George and Hudson. The trio then lay in the grass and talk about how playing that game makes them feel like a kid again.
Survival Records - Unplanned Camping Trip[]
A group consisting of Chemist, Sarah, R, Eva, and Gunther regroup in the forest after having been ambushed by The Raiders. They lament Gabe's death before coming up with a plan of what they should do next. The group decides to camp out in the forest for the night. R and Eva split off from the rest of the group to look for mushrooms so that R can make mushroom soup for them. Eva comments how she's still not used to seeing people die around her, something that R can relate too. After finding enough mushrooms, the pair heads back to the camp so that the soup can be made. Sarah notices that R refuses to eat the mushroom soup, to which R responds with saying how he learned to make the soup from a Cook who was in his former group, but he can't eat it anymore since it reminds him of the man who had died shortly after teaching him how to make the soup. R then states that he'll keep watch for the night while the rest of the group rests up.
Chapter 59 - Towards A New World[]
Eric talks to R, David, and Blaine about lighting up a the main road they'll use for transporting the supplies from Asyl to the various buildings in question. Both David and Blaine warn him about Raiders possibly observing them.
Chapter 60 - Retirement Plan[]
Crane, Boyd, Ariana, Hudson, Steve, R, and Catherine are all working on clearing the streets as part of the city reclamation plan. Crane, Boyd, and Ariana discuss how the other four group members are so much bigger than them and thus are able to carry their wait more than the three of them.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims R has killed:
- Anna (Before Reanimation)
- Cook (Possibly, Before Reanimation)
- Many unnamed members of the Raiders (Alongside Asyl Scouting Group)
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Because he was raised in Asia for his whole life, he barely knows any English.
- This makes him the first character in the game to not be able to properly communicate due to a language barrier. The second one is Eun-Chan who, despite being of Korean descent, barely knows any Korean as he was raised in France.
- He is however trying to learn English as he has an English textbook that he reads and studies from.
- He is one of four playable characters whose real name is unknown.
- R is one of six character to use a walker in battle.
- The other five characters with this distinction are Brian Blake, Dwight, Lydia, Beta, and Alpha.
- He is the only original character with this distinction.
- He is also the only non-antagonist to use a walker.
- At the start of every battle R will kill a decapitated walker, which gives him a boost in power, before attacking his enemies.
- The other five characters with this distinction are Brian Blake, Dwight, Lydia, Beta, and Alpha.