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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This Reaper, labelled Judas, is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a member of the Reapers.



Prior to the outbreak, he was fighting in Afghanistan along with the rest of his squad which included a lot of members that would eventually become the Reapers. Upon returning from war, he struggled to find jobs or deal with trauma, but the relationship between him and his comrades remained strong. He then decided to become a mercenary.


During the beginning of the outbreak, as Operation Cobalt was put into action in an attempt to try and contain the undead threat, Pope and a group of his people managed to escape the bombings by running until they reached an abandoned church, where inside Pope was amazed to see none of them had been killed or injured, leading him to view him and his comrades as "the chosen ones". It is unknown if this Reaper was present during this revelation. Regardless, he eventually joined the Reapers.


At some point, this Reaper and his group eventually attacked a group of survivors led by Maggie Rhee despite having no previous hostilities with her group and succeeded in destroying their camp and killing numerous members of her group, causing them to flee to Virginia. He and his group eventually followed them to finish them all off due to his leader, Pope, marking Maggie's group.

Season 11[]

After the Reapers successfully invaded and took over Meridian, this Reaper presumably acted against Pope's orders. As a result of dishonoring Pope and the Reapers, he is promptly chained to a tree and burned alive. Shortly after his death, a sign is placed above him, labeled "Judas," signifying him as a traitor.


After the Reapers' attack, Maggie, Negan, Alden, and Agatha arrive at the sight of the tied up Reaper, who is labelled as Judas.


Killed by

This Reaper is burned alive by Pope after being labelled as a traitor.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this Reaper has killed:


TV Series[]

Season 11[]


  • This Reaper is the only Reaper with an undead status.
  • The sign on top of him saying "Judas" refers to Judas Iscariot, one of the original Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, who is known for betraying Jesus by giving up his location for 30 silver which led to his execution.
  • This Reaper appears in the final flashbacks of the last episode "Rest in Peace".