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The people that attacked us... we only knew two things about them. They come at night, and by the time you see them, you're already dead.
―Maggie describing the Reapers.[src]

The Reaper Conflict is a minor conflict that occurred during the eleventh season of AMC's The Walking Dead.


Meridian Takeover[]

At some point, the Reapers discovered a location known as Meridian and attacked Maggie Rhee's group who resided there despite having no previous conflicts with her group, forcing her and her surviving group members to flee back to Virginia, in which the Reapers followed them to finish them off due to them being "marked" by Pope.

The Attacker's Ambush[]

Shortly after Maggie reunites with the Survivors, she, Daryl, Kelly, Cole, and Elijah end up in the woods, where they find the place her group had been taking shelter in burned down, resulting in the deaths of two members, Jen and Billy. While sneaking through the woods, they encounter the remaining survivors, Maya, Ainsley, and Gus. They explain to Maggie what happened, telling her of Matty's death, and the whereabouts of Kim and her son. They're aware that it's the Reapers doing this to them, made clear when Gus is shot through the neck and killed. The others run and split up, and Ainsley ends up shot in the stomach, bleeding out. Maya takes the sniper's bait and is shot as well.

Maggie and Daryl work together to sneak up on the sniper, but he ambushes her and gets her caught in a trap. She fights back, and before the Reaper can strike, he is shot with a bolt and surrounded by the rest of the group. Maggie tries to get information out of him, but all he says is "Pope marked you." before he pulls out a grenade and uses it to blow himself up.

Ambush on the Road[]

On their way to Meridian, the group is caught in a thunderstorm and are forced to travel via subway tunnel. The group makes it through, with only Gage not making it out alive after Maggie leaves him to die. After leaving the tunnel, the group makes their way down a road where they find bodies hung along the road. Before they can react, Roy is shot and killed by an arrow, and Cole has his hand cut off and leg stabbed by a knife thrown at him. The group takes cover as the Reapers approach from down the road.

Chaos ensues as Maggie's group try to escape the attack, but they are no match for the Reapers. Cole ends up being killed after his throat is slit. Many group members are severely injured, such as Duncan, who is stabbed multiple times by throwing knives. Maggie is ensnared by a whip but is saved by Elijah, but he is immediately ensnared himself and dragged away, leaving Maggie alone. Maggie manages to escape after throwing Elijah's kama at one Reaper, distracting him.


Now all alone, Maggie makes her way to a mall. Unbeknownst to her, two Reapers are on her trail. As she tries to enter the mall, a knife is thrown and just narrowly misses her. She manages to get inside and makes her way through the building, putting two bottles on the door behind her to signify if anyone is following her. However, as she turns on a lighter so she can see in the dark, one of the Reapers appear right behind her. Just then, one of the bottles crashes on the floor, alerting Maggie of the Reaper. The two get into a fight, but Maggie manages to stab the Reaper and shove him down the stairs. The Reaper survives however and chases after Maggie. She eventually makes her way up to an upper floor of the mall and hears a noise. She readies herself but is relieved to see that it is Alden. However, right then another Reaper appears and tackles Alden just as the other Reaper from earlier attacks Maggie with Elijah's kama. Maggie manages to stab the Reaper with a broken bottle before he is finished off with his head being bashed by Negan. Maggie throws a knife into the back of the Reaper on Alden, who retaliates by throwing a flashbang, distracting Maggie and Negan and allowing him to escape with his comrade's body. Alden is badly wounded. Maggie and Negan argue about the plan before helping to carry Alden out of the mall.

Meanwhile, Gabriel, who also managed to survive the attack, is all alone and is wounded with a knife in his leg which he pulls out. He sees a badly injured Reaper limping his way through the woods, which Gabriel follows. Gabriel eventually finds the Reaper, Nicholls, sitting next to a fallen tree dying from his wounds. Nicholls asks Gabriel to pray for him despite having tried to kill them earlier, to which Gabriel answers that "God isn't here anymore" before stabbing Nicholls in the head.

Maggie, Negan, and Alden continue on, with Alden struggling with his wounds, when suddenly they hear screaming. It is Agatha who is with a Duncan, who was severely injured and is dying from his wounds. Duncan makes Maggie promise to get Agatha home safely before he is put down. The group continues forward but are are surrounded by walkers. Agatha is bitten by one before being devoured, losing another member of the group. The group continues on and make their way to an abandoned church. With Alden's condition worsening, he tells Maggie to leave him behind seeing as he'll be a detriment in the long run. Maggie is reluctant but eventually agrees and she and Negan leave Alden behind.

Daryl's Infiltration[]


Herd Invasion[]


Final Stand-off[]


Daryl follows Leah's tracks and finds her hiding behind some trashed furniture. He tells her that this isn't what he wanted and tells her leave before he changes his mind, leaving her as the sole survivor of the Reapers.

With all the Reapers gone, the group gathers food and supplies and prepare to head back to Alexandria. Before they leave, Maggie goes to the church where they left Alden. Inside, she finds an undead Montanio and an undead Alden. She puts him down and weeps over his dead body. As she buries him, Negan tells her he's going to go on his own way and leaves the group, because he sees that she's not a woman of her word after she killed the Reapers. The group ultimately succeed in their mission and get the food back to Alexandria, however the moment is bittersweet, as Gabriel says, "So many didn't make it, all so we could survive." Aaron assures him that they will and the group celebrates their victory.


The Reapers[]

The Coalition[]

The Wardens[]



The Coalition[]

The Reapers[]



Season 10[]

Season 11[]
