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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Remington 870 Wingmaster. You may be looking for other similar named Remington firearms.

The Remington Model 870 is a U.S.-made pump-action shotgun manufactured by Remington Arms Company, Inc. It is widely used by the public for sport shooting, hunting, and self-defense. It is also commonly used by law enforcement and military organizations worldwide. The Remington 870 was the fourth major design in a series of Remington pump shotguns. John Pedersen designed the fragile Remington Model 10 (and later the improved Remington Model 29). John Browning designed the Remington Model 17 (which was later adapted by Ithaca into the Ithaca 37), which served as the basis for the Remington 31. The Model 31 was well liked, but struggled for sales in the shadow of the Winchester Model 12. Remington sought to correct that in 1949 by introducing a modern, streamlined, rugged, reliable, and relatively inexpensive shotgun – the 870. It was an adaptation of the Remington 11–48 autoloader, itself an adaptation of the John Browning-designed Remington 11.


TV Series[]

Season 1[]

TWDS1E01 26 "Days Gone Bye" Rick Grimes packing a Remington 870 Wingmaster into a duffel bag.
800px-WalkingDead SemiautoShotgun "Days Gone Bye" A dead farmer on Siggard Family Farm is seen with a Remington 870 Wingmaster which he used to kill him and his family.
800px-WalkingDead870ep04DD "Vatos" Daryl Dixon seen with the Remington 870 Wingmaster aiming it at the Vatos gang to get back Glenn.

Season 2[]

800px-TWSS2E07 17 "Pretty Much Dead Already" Daryl with a Remington 870 Wingmaster killing the zombified Greene Farm inhabitants.
DarS2 "Pretty Much Dead Already" Daryl with a Remington 870 Wingmaster killing the zombified Greene Farm inhabitants.
800px-TWDS2E13 11 "Beside the Dying Fire" Hershel Greene killing walkers that overrun his family farm using a Remington 870 Wingmaster.

Season 3[]

800px-TWDS3E09 19 "The Suicide King" The Governor with a Remington 870 Wingmaster from the Bag of Guns.

