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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Ryan is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Ryan's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Ryan's Story - Actions And Consequences[]

Michael wakes up in a dark room with a figure standing over him. The figure reveals himself to be Ryan, someone Michael had long thought had died since he had been shot in the head after having sustained seemingly life threatening injuries during a typhoon. Ryan, mad about having been left for dead, tracked down his old group and was systematically killing them. Ryan taunts Michael with Dylan's skull before going to Michael and using a rusty saw to decapitate his former friend.

At some point after these events, Ryan joins Asyl and becomes a supply runner for them.

Chapter 56 - Last Moments[]

Fanya is leading a scouting group consisting of Nicholas, Sean, and Ryan. She reminds them that this will be the final official scouting run for some time as they reclaim the city from the undead. The group begins to fight with each other as Nicholas worries for Sean's deteriorating, Ryan getting impatient with Sean and Nicholas, and everyone wondering why Nicholas was even allowed to go on the run given that he's their towns construction foreman. Fanya tries to keep the peace between everyone as they clear out a building that they'll destroy to begin the cities reclamation. Once they reach the building, the four of them split up with Fanya and Nicholas going to see where they can place the explosives to destroy the building while Sean and Ryan search the building for supplies. While searching the building, Sean gets emotional at the fact that this will be his final run. Sean and Ryan talk about their feelings about the city. Sean then goes on to talk about how Ryan is strong for having come back from whatever hell he's been through and hopes that he can put all his pain behind him once he sees the city reclaimed, something he wont be alive to see. Ryan, sensing something is wrong, inquires about what he's talking about. Sean reveals to Ryan that he has cancer so thus knowing someone like Ryan will live to see what he can't bring him much joy.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Ryan has killed:
