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Walking Dead Wiki

Sarah is a survivor of the outbreak and a former Antagonist who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars. She served as the primary antagonist for Catherine's Story. Sarah later tries to atone for her brutish actions upon joining Asyl


Buffalo, New York[]

Sarah was an apathic who had few interests aside from fencing and a loner who didn't have many friends aside from a stray cat that lived around her apartment complex who keep her company and worked as an unassuming flier in an office building

She also lived near or with in the Buffalo metro area.


Sarah's Story[]

Sarah and her cat are trapped in her office building after everyone else was able to escape. She travelled between the levels of the office to get much needed supplies. After a while, she heads to the lobby of her office building and sees a group of survivors outside that are trying to get in. Despite them begging to be let in, Sarah refuses and observes them get eaten, and surprisingly to her she finding joy in this. One day when searching for supplies, she encounters a Raider. They both attack each other with Sarah coming out victorious. Although she is at first remorseful that she killed someone, this gives her a new drive to survive. Outside the building she sees two more men from the Raiders group and she attacks them.

Catherine's Story[]

One day Sarah showed up at front door of Catherine's Gym, supposedly looking for a place to stay. When Catherine opened the door however, Sarah literally stabbed her in the back and allowed the dead to come into the gym. Catherine fought off the dead once more before tending to her wound.

Survival Records - A Choice[]

Towards the end of Eric and Zoey's travels, the duo are attacked by Sarah who has been scavenging for supplies at the store as well. The pair defeat Sarah but let her live. Eric invites Sarah to join their community, despite her just having attacked them. Zoey asks why is he inviting her to join Asyl when she just attacked them to which he replies that there is safety in numbers. Sarah agrees to join them, but not before Zoey warns her that if she attacks them again that she will kill her.

Chapter 2 - Skyscraper Tomb[]

Haley, Zoey, Eric, and Sarah search Sarah's former workplace for supplies. Sarah comments how most of the dead is trapped in the building's ventilation system. Eventually, one of the vents that contains a large number of the dead falls from through the roof and they are forced to take care of it.

Sarah & Catherine - Mutual Hatred[]

Catherine and another man are unloading supplies from a truck while Sarah is looking at her old office building, amazed that it's been incorporated into Asyl. Sarah also reunites with her cat. Sarah and Catherine see each other and immediately start fighting each other, with Catherine still mad that Sarah literally stabbed her in the back and Sarah mocking Catherine for the loss of her gym. Catherine threatens to kill Sarah's cat, leading to a physical altercation. In the chaos, the pair knocks over a stack of boxes which almost crushes the man unloading them. After saving the man, Catherine stops fighting while Sarah continues to mock her. Catherine says she wasn't actually gonna kill the cat and tells Sarah that she doesn't know anything about her, including why she went to jail. Sarah is shocked by this revelation and agrees to leave Catherine alone as long as she stays away from her cat.

Fanya's Story - Past Identity[]

Sarah goes on a supply run with Chloe, Fanya , Lake, and Crane to a mansion in a neighborhood that used to be a hideout for The Raiders. After they defeated the raiders, they decided to scavenge the place where Sarah and Chloe find a locked safe and try to open it. The two fail to do so, but Fanya comes in and is able to crack the safe open after putting her ear to the door and listening to the clicks when turning the lock. Inside the safe, they find a bottle of amber liquor with a solid crystal bottle. Everyone else in the group goes inside the mansion while Fanya takes watch outside. They all drink the liquor while speculating about Fanya's past and all talk about what they know about her; she was found by Eric with a kid named Luca and was with him because his parents had died, she's spoken German with Gunther, she's spoken french with The Captain, she knows how to fight, she knows how to shoot, she known how to make herself a small target in battle, she knows how to crack a safe, and she is knowledgeable about high society. After this, they all speculate that she could have been a hitwoman or a secret agent, but Crane states that they're all drunk and talking nonsense, something the rest of the group agrees with. Crane states that at the end, it doesn't matter what they anybody did before the apocalypse before finishing the last of the liquor. Unbeknownst to the group, Fanya had been listening to their conversation and amusingly chuckles.

Survival Records - Unplanned Camping Trip[]

Sarah, Chemist, R, Eva, and Gunther regroup in the forest after having been ambushed by a group of Raiders. They lament Gabe's death before coming up with a plan of they should do next. The group decides to camp out in the forest for the night. R and Eva split off from the rest of the group to look for mushrooms so that R can make mushroom soup for them. Eva comments how she's still not used to seeing people die around her, something that R can relate too. After finding enough mushrooms, the pair heads back to the camp so that the soup can be made. Sarah notices that R refuses to eat the mushroom soup, to which R responds with saying how he learned to make the soup from a Cook who was in his former group, but he can't eat it anymore since it reminds him of the man who had died shortly after teaching him how to make the soup. R then states that he'll keep watch for the night while the rest of the group rests up.

Survival Records - Community Member[]

Sarah, Kate, and Hudson arrive at Rajesh's hideout and ask him if he can treat Hudson who was injured on a recent supply run when debris from a falling building came down on him. Rajesh takes a look at him and agrees to treat him. Rajesh takes Sarah with him as they travel to all the different locations where he's cached the antibiotics needed to treat Hudson.

During their trek the two reminisce about their time with The Raiders, and he admits that he once considered killing her doing surgery on her back. Sarah says she's grateful he didn't kill her. She comments on how she knows she's a bad person and that nothing can change that but being a part of Asyl has given hope that she could be redeemed. Sarah asks Rajesh to join the community, to which he thinks on.

Dispatch - A Heartfelt Gift[]

Sarah request that a scouting group be sent to a town South of Buffalo to leave some food for a friend of her.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Sarah has killed:
