This Savior is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a member of the Saviors.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this Savior's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Season 8[]
"The Damned"[]
This Savior is among the Saviors at the satellite outpost to surrender to the Militia.
This Savior is tied up and sorted into one of four chain gangs. He and the other prisoners of war are transported along a rural highway to the Hilltop when a swarm of zombies appear out of the woods and fall down a hill where they attack the Saviors and militia. In the chaos, this Savior's chain gang seizes the opportunity to flee through the woods. However, he trips in the woods and holds up the progress of the chain gang's escape. Morgan manages to catch up to the escaped prisoners and proceeds to shoot this Savior in the head, killing him instantly. As the other Saviors are taken back into custody, his body is left behind in the woods.
- Killed By
- Morgan Jones
- The Saviors (Indirectly Caused)
- Himself (Indirectly Caused)
While the Militia is distracted by incoming walkers, a group of the captured Saviors escape into the woods and attempt to flee. This Savior falls down and Morgan eventually catches up to them, shooting him in the head.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this Savior has killed:
- Himself (Indirectly Caused)
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
TV Series[]
Season 8[]
- "The Damned" (No Lines)
- "Monsters" (No Lines)
- This character is credited as Savior POW #2 in "Monsters".