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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Comic Series character. You may be looking for his TV Series counterpart.

Think we'll get one of these mattresses?
―The Savior asking another Savior about if they'll get a mattress.[src]

This Savior is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a member of the Saviors.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this Savior's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


What Comes After[]

"Issue 104"[]

He is seen with a fellow Savior moving the mattresses that he and the other Saviors had taken from the Alexandria Safe-Zone. He was seen taking, and unloading them away from the truck. He notices Carl Grimes hiding under the mattresses, and as he goes to say something, him and another Savior are killed by Carl using Abraham Ford's assault rifle.


Killed By

This Savior is unloading the truck full of mattresses when he notices a hidden Carl, who jumps out and shoots him to death.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this Savior has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


Comic Series[]

Volume 18: What Comes After[]
