Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Scott Lawrence is an American actor who portrayed Art Costa in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead.


Scott was born in Los Angeles and spent a lot of his childhood with his parents on picket lines campaigning for local civil rights. His father was the executive director of the University of Southern California, Community Services Center, and his mother worked for Operation Breadbasket and other organizations dedicated to improving economic conditions of black communities.

In 1987, after several equity waiver plays and TV guest stars, he landed his first TV series regular role as Whoopi Goldberg's son on the short lived "Bagdad Cafe". The show ended in 1990 and after a few more years in Hollywood, he decided to pack up and move to New York to pursue theatre opportunities.

Other Works[]

  • JAG
  • Avatar
  • Star Trek Into Darkness
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Celtic Pride
  • The Social Network
  • The Host
  • Into The Storm
  • Danny Collins
  • Equals

External Links[]
