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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Shiloh is a modified S-Pole used by Iris Bennett.


After leaving the Campus Colony, Elton Ortiz created this weapon for Iris Bennett out of Hope's old dummy S-Pole. As the dummy pole lacks the customary extendable blade, Elton ties his Triceratops horn fossil to the top of the pole, making an effective weapon for Iris against walkers. However, in her first fight against a walker, Iris continually strikes in the wrong places and makes mistakes and fails to put the walker down. Later, while escaping from the Blaze of Gory, Iris finally puts a walker down with Shiloh while saving her sister. In turn, Hope saves Iris by putting a second walker down moments later that Iris was struggling with.

Shiloh's last known use is when Iris and Felix put down a herd together to let out their aggression in lieu of being able to strike at the CRM for the time being.

Before being taken to the Civic Republic Research Facility, Iris dismantles Shiloh and returns the Triceratops horn to Elton as the CRM will take their weapons when they get to the facility. Iris thanks Elton, telling him that it got her over a thousand miles and made her feel brave and strong. Elton reassures Iris that she already was, and the horn was just there to be what she needed it to be.

When Hope develops Elton's pictures from the Endlings' cross-country journey to New York, Iris is holding Shiloh in the group photo from the high school.

Iris later replaces Shiloh with a staff that has a small curved blade on the end.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed by Shiloh:
