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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

That is a... big wrench.
Elton after seeing the wrench for the first time.[src]

Silas' Wrench is a very large wrench that was used by Silas Plaskett as a weapon. He later replaced it with a Kill Stick after joining Civic Republic Cull Facility 1.


When he leaves the Campus Colony with the rest of the Endlings, Silas chooses this wrench as his weapon, possibly stolen from all of the tools that he has access to as a janitor. For this purpose, Silas appears to have sharpened the blunt end into a point capable of stabbing through the heads of walkers. However, haunted by his past, Silas hesitates to actually use it against walkers, resulting in one chasing them all the way to the treehouse after Silas hesitates to put it down. On another occasion, at Hvass High School, after putting one walker down with his wrench, Silas tosses it aside and instead bashes a second walker's head in with his bare fists in a fit of rage.

When Iris gets trapped in a dumpster, Silas, Elton Ortiz and Felix Carlucci use the wrench together to break open the lock on a gate blocking their way to her.

Later, Tony Delmado is murdered with Silas' wrench left lying next to his bashed in head and a drunk Silas nearby. As a result, the rest of the Endlings debate whether or not Silas murdered their friend and he eventually exiles himself from the group for their own protection. Silas is exonerated after Huck is revealed to be a CRM spy that had murdered Tony and framed Silas for the crime. Percy reveals that Huck had actually shot both him and his uncle, before bashing his head in with the wrench, presumably both to frame Silas and to keep Tony from reanimating or to put him down if he had already turned.

When Silas exiles himself from the group, he leaves his wrench behind, and it is taken by Elton along with the rest of Silas' belongings when he chases after his best friend. While protecting an unconscious Percy, Elton uses the wrench to make his first zombie kill. Elton returns the wrench to Silas along with the rest of his belongings, but Silas gives them back to him before turning himself into the CRM.

While searching for their friends after most of them have been taken by the CRM, Elton and Percy are forced to ditch Silas' belongings, including his wrench, in order to avoid walkers. However, Elton takes it as a good sign instead of a bad omen as they find Teresa soon afterwards. Dev and Asha manage to recover Silas' wrench and bring it to the Perimeter. Upon arrival, Dev removes the wrench from his wagon and tells Iris and Felix that they had found the wrench while they were looking for their other horse that had run away.

After joining the workers of Civic Republic Cull Facility 1, Silas instead adopts a Kill Stick as his preferred weapon in replacement of his wrench. When Iris reunites with Silas for the first time since he exiled himself, she gives him a drawing that she made of the Endlings which features Silas holding his wrench.

Killed Victims[]


  • Aside from Iris' drawing, the wrench doesn't appear at all in season two aside from a brief cameo in "Exit Wounds" despite Elton still carrying it at the end of "In This Life". In "Exit Wounds", Elton and Percy mention having to ditch Silas' belongings as the reason for its absence.
