Sima is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Nothing is known about Sima's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Chapter 50 - New Reality[]
Arthit is talking to Sir, asking her if she was able to reach anyone from outside of town. The Elder says that she's not been able to and wonders why The Merchant hasn't come in the past month. The pair discuss what this could mean for Baiboon when an injured man, Sima, arrives to town. They notice that he's been badly injured and try to get him to safety so that they can treat him. Sima asks them if the monsters have come to their village; however, neither of them know what he's talking about. Sima then goes on to inform the pair of what has been going on. After hearing what's going on, Arthit insists on heading towards the city to get antibiotics for his brother. Despite Sima's protest to this, he tells Arthit that he'd have better luck finding what he needs at the nearby resort than in the city, as well as warning him about getting bit which Arthit thanks him for.
It's unknown what happened to them after Arthit left.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Sima has killed:
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies