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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Smith & Wesson Model M&P. You may be looking for other similar named Smith & Wesson firearms.

The Smith & Wesson M&P (Military and Police) is a polymer-framed, short recoil operated, locked breech semi-automatic pistol introduced in the summer of 2005 by the American company Smith & Wesson. It uses a Browning-type locking system. While targeted at law enforcement agencies, the M&P is also available on the commercial market.

The M&P is a direct evolution of the Smith & Wesson Sigma design but does not share parts compatibility with the Sigma. The M&P design has an improved trigger, enhanced ergonomics that allow for end user customization. An industry standard picatinny rail and a higher grip has been afforded with an improved grip and beavertail. Many of the ergonomic study elements that had been incorporated into the Sigma and the Smith & Wesson SW99 were brought over to the M&P. The improved trigger weight and feel and the unique take-down method (not requiring a dry-fire pull of the trigger) were meant to set the M&P apart from both the Sigma and the popular Glock pistols.


TV Series[]

Season 4[]

TWDS4E06 02 "Live Bait" Tara Chambler aiming a Smith and Wesson M&P at The Governor.
TWDLiveBait92SB&M&P "Live Bait" A Smith and Wesson M&P seen on a table with The Governor's Beretta 92SB Nickel.
TWDS04E08M&P "Too Far Gone" A member of Martinez's Camp with a holstered Smith & Wesson M&P.
TWDS04P22 "Too Far Gone" Mika holding a Smith & Wesson M&P at Alisha.
Checkingammo "Inmates" Glenn Rhee, with Tara's M&P, checking the gun's ammo.
Inmates Tara Escapes "Inmates" Tara Chambler holding her M&P while escaping the prison.
600px-TWDS4E14 02 "The Grove" Mika Samuels firing her M&P at walkers.
Beth why you dead
"Coda" The aftermath after Dawn accidentally killed Beth Greene with her M&P.
BlondWolf-603 "Thank You" The wolf firing his M&P at Rick.

