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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Smith & Wesson Model 442. You may be looking for other similar named Smith & Wesson firearms.

The Smith & Wesson Model 442 is a revolver that was used by Tomas and Carol. The revolver was received by Tomas from a prison guard during the early stages of the apocalypse. It is built on Smith & Wessons's "J-Frame". It is part of the "Centennial" line of revolvers that were introduced in 1952 to mark the 100 year anniversary of Smith & Wesson (though this particular model was not introduced until 1990). Because of its place in the Centennial line, this gun is also known as the "S&W Model 442 Centennial". Recently, Smith & Wesson dropped the centennial line (their centennial was over 50 years ago) but continues to produce this gun as simply the Model 442.

The gun was constructed entirely of stainless steel until 1995 when it was switched to aluminum and designated "air-weight". For this reason the gun is also sometimes referred to as the "S&W Model 442 Air-weight.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

Axeltomasoscarandrewtiny "Sick" Tomas, aiming his Smith & Wesson Model 442 at Daryl, Glenn, and T-Dog.
800px-TWDS3E02 08 "Sick" Tomas, aiming his Smith & Wesson Model 442.
Ricktiny "Sick" Tomas, saving Big Tiny by shooting a walker three times with his Smith & Wesson Model 442.
Ricktomas "Sick" Tomas, saving Big Tiny by shooting a walker with his Smith & Wesson Model 442, from a different angle.
Ricktomas01 "Sick" Tomas's Smith & Wesson Model 442 can be seen holstered moments before his death.
TWDS3E04 03 "Killer Within" Carol Peletier, with Tomas's Smith & Wesson Model 442, killing walkers.

