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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the All-Stars character. You may be looking for her Comic Series or TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Sophia

Sophia Grimes (née unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Sophia's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Sophia's Story - Accepting Reality[]

Sophia and her group settle down for the night at a nearby campsite. Dale, Glenn, and Maggie set up a campfire while Sophia decides to explore the nearby forest with her book. While walking around, she falls down a ledge and is momentarily knocked out. In her confusion, she is reminded of her mother Carol and how she saved her one time after she fell down a cliff. Eventually she comes back to her senses and goes back to her group.

Dale's Story - A Startling Realization[]

Dale is alone as Andrea, Glenn, and Maggie have taken Sophia, Ben, and Billy to go fishing.

Lake & Chloe & Sophia's Story - Custom Weapon[]

Lake and Chloe are making firecrackers so that Sophia can use to protect herself. Lake and Chloe do the math to make sure that the firecrackers are safe while Sophia helps them get the supplies needed. After they make the firecrackers, they go to a safe location where Sophia can test them out. The trio are happy with how the firecrackers performed.

Protector Carl's Story - A New World[]

Sophia and Carl argue over the fact that Andrea had recently found her grandfather's gun. He tells Sophia about how he remembers being confronted by Jud and his group, and how he was more scared of his father than the people who attacked him and that he finally understands where his dad was coming from during that time. He also reminds Sophia that they should be thankful that they are arguing over the fact that Andrea grabbed a gun versus the fact that she needs to use a gun.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Sophia has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people



  • Sophia has a second skin called "Snowflake".