"Stalker" (real name unknown), also known as "Stalker Whisperer", is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Stalker's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Stalker's Story - Invitation[]
Stalker was observing Isaac, Harper, and Carson from afar. Having been impressed by their survival skills, he tried to find a way to approach them without seeming like a threat despite his outfit. Knowing morse code, he was able to communicate to them that he meant no harm. The trio eventually decided to meet with him to see what he wanted.
It's unknown what happened to Stalker after The Whisperers went to war against The Coalition.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Stalker has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Stalker is the only Whisperer in the game not to use walkers to his advantage.
- Stalker is one of three named original characters to initially belong to a pre-existing comic adapted group.
- The other two characters with this distinction are Renee and Warren.
- Both Kate and Scott eventually join the Alexandria Safe-Zone; however they did not initially belong to it.
- This also made them the only seen playable named original character, before the international expansions, to not be based out of New York.
- Stalker is one of four playable characters whose real name is unknown.
- Before Stalker was released, many people thought that they were a female because of their appearance. However, his in-game backstory confirmed that he was in fact a male character.
- Despite this, the confusion revolving around their gender still persisted to the point that many initially believed Fanya to be a variation of this character.