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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Steve was a bad dude, but everyone was with him, you know? He said seven was the magic number, so we didn't add nobody to the group. If we found survivors it was the same every time. He... he... Just... "'We gonna kill these folks and take their stuff or what?'' and then bang, they'd be dead.
Russell explaining how Steve and his group was to Nate.[src]

Steve's Group is a group of survivors mentioned in The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series.


Season One[]

"400 Days"[]

The group is mentioned by Russell. According to Russell, the group had seven members including himself and was lead by a man named Steve. The other members included a teacher, his wife, a girl around Russell's age, her father, and a man who claimed he was a police officer. Steve apparently believed that the magic number to have in your post-apocalyptic group was seven, so he refused to allow any other people to join. The group were effectively bandits; as if they found survivors, they would kill them and take their belongings.

Eventually, unwilling to live his life as a bandit, Russell left the group and headed for Statesboro, in an attempt to reconnect with his family which had been living there prior to the outbreak. All other group member's fates are unknown after Russell's departure. Using the date which Russell's Story takes place on, and assuming Russel's departure from them was fairly recent, the whereabouts of the group were then last reported about six months into the apocalypse.


  • Steve (Leader)
  • Police officer
  • A teacher
  • Teacher's wife
  • A man
  • Man's daughter


Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this group has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]
