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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Steve is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


New York[]

Nothing is known about Steve's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Steve's Story - A Good Starting Point[]

Steve is working out at Asyl's gym in the morning when Catherine shows up to work out alongside with him. The two strike up a conversation regarding how Kate wants to start working out her arms so she can have better control of her muscles; something that Steve finds both amusing and admirable. The two then discuss why they work our; with Catherine saying it's what kept her going while she was in prison and Steve saying that it's so he can feel powerful. Catherine leaves at the end of her workout, leaving Steve at the gym alone once again.

Chapter 60 - Retirement Plan[]

Crane, Boyd, Ariana, Hudson, Steve, R, and Catherine are all working on clearing the streets as part of the city reclamation plan. Crane, Boyd, and Ariana discuss how the other four group members are so much bigger than them and thus are able to carry their wait more than the three of them.

Chapter 61 - Signal[]

Killed Victims[]

  • Numerous counts of Zombies and unnamed people


  • Steve is featured on the initial chapter art for Signal despite not appearing in the chapter itself.
