Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Revolution is a group of exiles and soldiers of the Tower who want to revolt against Mama and the Tower in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution.


At some point, Sable and Barnes and many other Tower soldiers and residents decide on making a group to slowly take down the Tower. They sneak out of the tower and meet a former Reclaimed soldier named Echo, and the three of them build up their secret army. At one point, the three leave a note in the Tourist camp to come meet them at the Reserve. Their intent for the Tourist was to help exiles and other survivors rise up and come help take out the Tower.


Killed Victims[]

  • Many unnamed tower soldiers


  • If Sable, Barnes or Echo reanimate after the tower ambush, their outfit and hair turns gray for some reason.