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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

I had this dog, named Tick. On account he was a bluetick hound. Found him on the side of the road, he was starving half dead, but the thing with some of these rescues like Tick, they don't trust easily. Sometimes I would reach for Tick and he'd give me this look, that look, like he couldn't decide whether to lick my hand or bite it off. (...) There he is. Fair enough. Just don't try to bite me either. Tick did. Hurt like hell having to strangle that dog.
Pope talking about Tick to Daryl as a way to subtly threaten him.[src]

Tick is an unseen animal and Pope's dog in AMC's The Walking Dead.


Location Unknown[]

Tick used to be Pope's dog who he found on the side of the road. One day he bit Pope and thus Pope went on to strangle the dog to death.


Season 11[]

"For Blood"[]

Pope tells Daryl a story about how he found Tick and that he often gave Pope a look similar to Daryl's in that he didn't know whether to bite or lick him. Pope then reveals that when Tick bit him, Pope strangled Tick to death, using this as a way to subtly threaten Daryl.


Killed By
  • Himself (Caused)
  • Pope

After having bit Pope, Tick was strangled to death by him.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Tick has killed:

  • Himself (Caused)



  • Pope † - Former Owner and Killer


TV Series[]

Season 11[]
