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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Dean Turner said he needed a thousand signatures before he'd consider your petition, and the look you gave him when you showed up at his fancy ass Regent's dinner with double that... That look.

Dean Turner (first name unknown) is a character mentioned in AMC's The Walking Dead.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Turner's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was Jocelyn and Michonne's dean junior year of law school. He requested 1,000 signatures for Michonne's petition, but she came up with double the amount and rubbed it in his face.


Season 9[]


Dean Turner is mentioned by Michonne and Jocelyn while talking about their past, and how he was harsh with them. 

It is unknown what happened to him after the outbreak began. 


TV Series[]

Season 9[]
