Verne is the unseen uncle of Nick Parsons who is mentioned in The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor.
Rural Georgia[]
Little is known about Verne's life prior to or as the outbreak began, but it is known that he had a nephew, Nick Parsons, and it is also known that he enjoyed hunting and often hunted with him. It is known that the two of them hunted with the .55 caliber, and that Verne was very skilled with shooting. The two of them mostly hunted geese, but occasionally other birds as well. It was Verne who taught Nick the skill of shooting.
Location Unknown[]
Verne is mentioned by Nick when Brian Blake was wondering how Nick learned to shoot. Nick told that he often went hunting with his uncle, Verne.
Verne's fate is unknown.
Nick Parsons[]
Due to Verne being the uncle of Nick, the two of them are believed to have had a good and strong relationship. Nick often went hunting with Verne, which also hints at their good relationship.