Walking Dead Wiki

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.


Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Wd-vatos28 This article, Discord Portal, is under construction by the Wiki's Staff!
Please be patient as it will undergo several new major edits over time!

Welcome to the hub for the Discord Server and the Discord Moderation Team here at The Walking Dead Wiki. If you have a question regarding the Discord Server or it's moderation, please feel free to contact an Discord Administrator.

Joining The Discord Server[]

Click the "JOIN THE SERVER" button to join the Discord Server!
Remember to follow all the policies and to have fun!
Discord Discord Server Discord
Chat with fellow wiki editors and
hundreds of "TWD" fans!

Server Overview[]

The following will be a breakdown of the Discord Server's categories and channels, as well as the actives that you can partake in them.

Let's Start 🏆[]

Welcome and Goodbye[]

Channel where the Tatsu Bot announces new users who've joined, as well as announcing users who've left the server. Members will often welcome new users, don't be afraid to say hello back!

Server Announcements[]

Channel where Discord Administrators will announce various things including new rules, new staff members, events, birthdays, and much more! Stay tuned there for updates!

Fandom Announcements[]



The community's Starboard, courtesy of Carl-Bot. If you're unaware of what a starboard is, it acts as a server-wide pin board for any message within the Discord Server. Simply star a message you wish to pin, and if it get's at least three stars it will be starred on the starboard for all to see. Users can use the starboard to jump back to the message that was pinned as well. However, please take note that one cannot star one of their own messages!

Get Your Roles[]

Channel where users can grab user roles for their profile using pre-made forms by Carl-Bot. React with the emoji related to what you're selecting and the bot will add for you! These include pronouns, regions, and LGBTQ+ identities as well as a Wiki Editors role. The following is a showcase of what can be selected.

  • He/Him
  • She/Her
  • They/Them
  • Ask for Pronouns
  • North American
  • South American
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Oceania
LGBTQ+ Identities
  • Heterosexual (Straight)
  • Gay
  • Lesbian
  • Bisexual
  • Pansexual
  • Asexual
  • Transgender
  • Non-Binary*
Wiki Editors

Wiki Editors can select this role to get the ability to be pinged when discussions about editing is occurring, without the need for an @everyone.

Rank Ups[]

Our server uses Tatsu Bot's leveled roles feature. Members can slowly rank up with the help of Survivor Points. Survivor Points are a measure of your chat activity on The Walking Dead Wiki Discord. Members gain 10-25 points for every message sent every 1 minute and 30 seconds! Once you reach a certain about of Survivor Points, members will rank up to the next role. The roles stack, and are not removed when someone ranks up to the next role. All leveled roles are themed around groups and locations from the Walking Dead Universes.

The following table is a breakdown of every leveled role on the server and it's corresponding score! This list can be viewed from the pinned message on the server as well.

Role Score
The Vultures
New Babylon
The Perimeter
Howe's Hardware
The New Frontier
Grady Memorial Hospital
Broke Jaw Ranch
Lã Colonia
The Claimers
The Wolves
The Highwaymen
The Delta
Manhattan Tribespeople
The Scavengers
The Reapers
Fort McCarroll
Beacon of Light
The Burazi
Wellington Safe-Zone
The Doomsdayers
The Pioneers
The Endlings
Meriwether Prison
Ericson's Boarding School
The Saviors
The Whisperers
The Militia
Oceanside Resort
The Kingdom
Hilltop Colony
(Highest Reached)
Alexandria Safe-Zone
The Coalition
The Commonwealth
Civic Republic Military
Survivor of the Trials
Survivors of the Trials
  • (Nobody just yet! Stay tuned!)

Notable Birthdays[]

In this channel we keep track of notable server member's birthdays. If anyone wishes to be added or removed, please message Zee Everett on Discord. Be sure to wish everyone happy birthday when the special day comes!

General 💻[]

General Channel[]

The main chat for the entire Discord Server! Come hang out and discuss anything you may want, whether it be about the Walking Dead or not! Just follow the policies and have some fun!

Serious Channel[]

Meant for more serious topics, like real life struggles, rants, and more. Any and all political discussions should remain in this channel only. Remember, always keep things civil!

Movies and TV[]

Discuss any and all movies/TV shows that you may want to talk about! Additionally please check the Secret Clubhouses section as some certain movies and shows might have a dedicated clubhouse already! Don't miss out on the cinematic action!


Discuss any and all video games that you may want to talk about! Additionally please check the Secret Clubhouses section as some certain games might have a dedicated clubhouse already! Don't miss out on that gaming action!

Discussion Threads[]

A channel to discuss the latest Discuss Threads in the Discussion Boards! Post and share your own or others! Discussion Mods can be pinged here if needed.

Wiki/Server Suggestions[]

The main chat for all wiki editing discussions, as well as a place to share any suggestions for the wiki or the discord server, including new emojis or stickers. Again, if you're a wiki editor and you wish to get updates about important editing discussions, please grab the Wiki Editors role! You don't wanna miss out on big wiki shaping discussions!

TV Universe 📺🧟[]

TWD TV Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead" show! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen "The Walking Dead", everything is fair game!

Fear Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "Fear the Walking Dead"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen "Fear the Walking Dead", everything is fair game!

World Beyond Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: World Beyond"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen "The Walking Dead: World Beyond", everything is fair game!

Tales of TWD Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "Tales of the Walking Dead"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! However, with another season coming (maybe?), please be careful of posting spoilers. Any unofficial news or upcoming spoilers SHOULD ALWAYS remain in the AMC Plus Channel! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen the first season of "Tales of the Walking Dead"!

Dead City Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: Dead City"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! However, with another season coming, please be careful of posting spoilers. Any unofficial news or upcoming spoilers SHOULD ALWAYS remain in the AMC Plus Channel! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen the first season of "The Walking Dead: Dead City"!

Daryl Dixon Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! However, with another season coming, please be careful of posting spoilers. Any unofficial news or upcoming spoilers SHOULD ALWAYS remain in the AMC Plus Channel! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't seen the first season of "The Walking Dead: Dead City"!

Ones Who Live Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, characters and more! However, with the first season coming, please be careful of posting spoilers. Any unofficial news or upcoming spoilers SHOULD ALWAYS remain in the AMC Plus Channel! Be careful of upcoming spoilers of the first season of "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"!

AMC Plus Discussion[]

For anyone who has early access to AMC's episodes of The Walking Dead Television Universe. Discuss what's been released with others who've might've seen it as well.

The channel also serves as a spoilers channel, where members who've somehow (non-illegally*) accessed unreleased information can share what they've found. PLEASE REMEMBER: THIS IS THE ONLY CHANNEL WHERE SPOILERS ARE ALLOWED! Additionally, all spoilers must always be marked with spoiler tags, including images! On Discord, one can use "||" before and after text to mark it as a spoiler. For images, users will see an eye icon that will mark the image as a spoiler when clicked on.

*Spoilers gained through illegal means is not allowed, such as theft, trespassing, blackmail, & bribery!

Comic Universe 📕🧟[]

TWD Comic Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead" comics! All topics are open, talk about volumes, issues, one-shots, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't read "The Walking Dead (Comics)", everything is fair game!

TWD Novel Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead" Woodbury novels! All topics are open, talk about separate books, chapters, short stories, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't read "The Walking Dead (Novels)", everything is fair game!

Typhoon Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: Typhoon"! All topics are open, talk about separate chapters, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't read "The Walking Dead: Typhoon", everything is fair game!

Telltale Series Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series"! All topics are open, talk about seasons, episodes, choices, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't played "The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series", everything is fair game!

Saints & Sinners Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners" and it's follow-ups! All topics are open, talk about the games, DLC expansion, choices, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't played "The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners", everything is fair game!

Non-Canon Stuff ❓🧟[]

Destinies Discussion[]


Other Games Discussion[]

Discuss any other TWD related video games here, anything ranging from Canon to Non-Canon. This includes the following;


Be careful of spoilers for any of these if you haven't played them!

Rick Grimes 2000 Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "Rick Grimes 2000"! All topics are open, talk about issues, aliens, characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't read "Rick Grimes 2000", everything is fair game!

Small Bites Discussion[]

Discuss everything about "The Walking Dead: Small Bites"! All topics are open, talk about issues, pirates, characters and more! Be careful of posting spoilers for "The Walking Dead: Small Bites" as new issues are still coming out!

Clementine Discussion[]

Discuss everything about the god awful "Clementine" books*! All topics are unfortunately open, talk about the books, it's butchered characters and more! Be careful of spoilers if you haven't read "Clementine", everything is fair game but we doubt you really care.

*Technically this series is considered canon but due to low user approval, it's under the non-canon category on the server.

Fun Thangs 😂[]

Bot Commands[]

Channel for all bot related commands that might get spammy in other channels. The most commonly used commands are from the Tatsu Bot, which are explained below.

Common Bot Commands
  • !rank - Checks user's leveled role rank on server
  • !top - Shows the top 10 members of the server's leaderboard
    • !top 2 - Shows the next ten users on the server's leaderboard and below
  • !rep - Give a user a reputation point
  • !daily - Claim daily rewards from the Tatsu Bot
  • !wallet - Displays user's Tatsu wallet
Server's Top Ten

The following is the Server's Top Ten users according to the Tatsu Bot's "!top" command as of 12:06, September 16, 2024 (UTC);

Reputation Points

Using the "!rep" command a user can give another user a reputation point! Currently there's two exclusive roles related to reaching rep milestones, the "100+ Rep Club" and the "200+ Rep Club"!

* † indicates users who've since left the server.

Polls/Polls Discussion[]

In Polls Discord Admins, Discord Mods, and other users with special access are able to post polls for the Discord, normally for fun topics such as Character rankings and episode opinions.

In Polls Discussion users are able to talk about the polls openly without worry of blocking easy access to the polls as they talk. Come hang out and share your thoughts and opinions on the latest polls!


Share any funny memes you might have! They don't have to be TWD-related at all, but those are always welcome too! Share to your hearts extent!

Writing & Art[]

The channel to showcase any written works (fanfiction or original material) and artworks (Fanart or original material). Let people see your works! Reminder, if what your posting is not yours, please always try to give credit to the original writer or artist! Stealing others works and passing them off as your own will get you banned!

Pics & Vids[]

Show off some or all of your amazing pictures and videos in this channel! Visiting the IRL sites for the show? Or just exploring the world? Show it off here!


Talk about or jam out to your favorite music here with others! Share what you like, and roast what you don't! Just be respectful of others likes and dislikes, music is subjective! You can also use some of our music playing bots to play music in the Music VC!

Wholesome Content[]

We are once again demanding pics of all your cute and adorable doggies and kittens, as well as any other pets you might have! If it's cute, or ugly but yet still somehow cute in the best way, feel free to share it! Hearts will normally be sent afterwards!

The Decoy Shed[]


Voice Channels 🔊[]

Voice Chat Text[]

Talk about what's going on in Voice Channel or for users unable to talk IRL but still wanna be a part of the conversation!

General Voice Channel[]

The General Voice Channel (or sometimes called VC) for the Discord Server! Feel free to hang out and talk to other users! Keep an eye out for some events as they might talk place in the VC!

Music Voice Channel[]

The Music Voice Channel for the Discord Server! Use any of the server's music playing bots to play music within this channel! Discuss your favorite songs with other users here as well!

Idle Voice Channel[]

Our Discord Server and Voice Channels have an Idle VC. Any user who's been inactive for roughly thirty minutes in the General and Music VC's are automatically moved to the Idle VC by Discord. Any user in the Idle VC can be kicked out of the VC by a Discord Moderator or Discord Administrator.


Discord Policies[]

Read more about our Discord Server's policies here; Walking Dead Wiki:Discord Policies
