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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Walther P38. You may be looking for other similar named Walther firearms.

The Walther P38 is a 9 mm semi-automatic pistol that was developed by Walther arms as the service pistol of the Wehrmacht at the beginning of World War II. It was intended to replace the costly Luger P08, the production of which was scheduled to end in 1942.

After the war, when the new german army was founded, a variant of the P38 became the sidearm under the designation P1, till this weapon was mostly replaced by the P8, a variant of the Heckler & Koch USP.

The first designs submitted to the German Army featured a locked breech and a hidden hammer, but the Heer (German Army) requested that it be redesigned with an external hammer.

Several experimental versions were later created in .45 ACP, and .38 Super, but these were never mass-produced. In addition to the 9 mm Parabellum version, some 7.65x21mm Parabellum and some .22 Long Rifle versions were also manufactured and sold.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

800px-TWDS3E03 02 "Walk With Me" Tim, wielding a Walther P38 with a suppressor in the woods, while searching for walkers.
TWSS3E06 72 "Hounded" Tim, wielding a Walther P38 in the woods, next to Crowley as they search for Michonne, unaware that she is ready to ambush them.

