Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Webley "WG" Army Model (the 'WG' for "Webley Government", but often incorrectly referenced as "Webley-Green") is a break-top, auto-extracting revolver, with six-inch barrel. It saw manufacture in the late 1890's. Despite the "Army Model" imprint (found on the bridge above the cylinder), the WG was not an official British service revolver, but rather a commercial version chambered for the .455 Webley service round, that would be available for private purchase by British military officers. It's a rather uncommon weapon outside of the UK and the Commonwealth.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

800px-TWDS3E10 12 "Home" This Mexican Man can be seen aiming his Webley "WG" Army Model as he kills walkers.
Mex.1 "Home" The Mexican Man aiming at a walker before he drops the Webley "WG" Army Model.
800px-TWDS3E10 07 "Home" The Mexican Man dropped the Webley "WG" Army Model as he was grabbed by a walker.

