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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This Whisperer is a former antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is a member of the Whisperers.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some point following the outbreak, this woman joined a large group of survivors known as the Whisperers.

Tales of the Walking Dead[]

Season 1[]


This woman is present when Hera finds Dee in the woods.

TV Series[]

Season 9[]


This woman is among the Whisperers to arrive at the gates of Hilltop to demand the return of Lydia.


This woman witnesses the hostage negotiation and blends in with a herd of walkers that approaches Hilltop. She travels back to the Whisperer camp after Alpha retrieves Lydia.


This woman is among the Whisperers milling around when Alpha and Lydia as they return to camp.

Season 10[]

"We Are the End of the World"[]

This woman will appear in this episode.


This woman is present during the confrontation between the Whisperers and Alexandria. She raises her weapon in defense when Carol attempts to assassinate Alpha.

"What It Always Is"[]

This woman will appear in this episode.


This woman will appear in this episode.


This woman discovers an injured Alpha at an abandoned gas station and listens to her mantra.

"Morning Star"[]

This woman will appear in this episode.

"Walk With Us"[]

This woman helps assimilate the reanimated Hilltop residents into the herd.

"The Tower"[]

This woman arrives at Alexandria with the herd. She later helps reroute it towards the Tower as Beta leads the herd to overrun the building.

Season 11[]

"Out of the Ashes"[]

This woman is one of the remaining whisperers to take refuge in the Hilltop after Beta's defeat.

"The Lucky Ones"[]

Several months later, Maggie Rhee and several others reclaim the Hilltop Colony, with Keith and the other remaining Whisperers not seen or mentioned, leaving her location and status unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this woman has killed:


TV Series

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Tales of the Walking Dead

Season 1

  • "Dee" (No Lines)

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9 👁 👁 👁
Season 10 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 11 👁
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1 👁
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of this Whisperer, please visit Background Survivors (TV Series)/The Whisperers.


  • This Whisperer is the only unnamed character to appear in more than one show.