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This Whisperer is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a member of the Whisperers.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
At some point following the outbreak, this man joined a large group of survivors known as the Whisperers.
Season 10[]
"The Tower"[]
This man is among the Whisperers to accompany Beta to Alexandria in order to destroy the survivor community. Upon arriving at the settlement, they find it abandoned. The man and Beta climb the windmill and watch from the balcony as the herd shuffles below, filling the entire community. The man looks to Beta for guidance after another Whisperer informs them that no one was found in any of the buildings.
"A Certain Doom"[]
After the Whisperer War, this man's fate is unknown. It is possible he was among the many Whisperers killed off at the Tower during the final battle, or he chose to flee and defect from the Whisperers.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows all the victims this Whisperer has killed:
- Alex (Alongside his fellow Whisperers)
- Brianna (Alongside his fellow Whisperers)
- Quan (Alongside his fellow Whisperers)
- Troy (Alive, alongside his fellow Whisperers)
- 4 unnamed campers (Possibly, Caused or Direct)
- 2 horses (Possibly, Caused or Direct)
- Possibly some unnamed members of the Coalition
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
TV Series[]
Season 10[]
- This character is credited as Whisperer in "The Tower".