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This article is about the Commonwealth resident from Season 11. You may be looking for the National Guardsman from Season 3.

I'll do it! I help you my wife and two boys will die! (...) He'll know I lied! He'll torture me when he finds out I did this. Then he'll kill my family! I can! I'm sorry!
―Wilson's last words.[src]

Wilson is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Commonwealth.


Wilson is shown to have an immense fear of the Commonwealth. As the train engineer, his main purpose is to follow orders and nothing else. After he is captured by the group, he mentions that he has a family that live at a nearby outpost and the Warden will most likely kill his family and then torture him if he finds out he helped them. His fear is so great that he is willing to kill himself so he doesn't have to face the consequences and so his family can survive.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Wilson's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some point during the outbreak, Wilson joined a community in Ohio.

Season 11[]

"Outpost 22"[]

The train arrives at the junction where Trooper 192 emerges and puts down a walker before trying to move the junction switch which is stuck. Wilson attempts to let Outpost 22 know that they have a stuck junction switch and that it will take a few minutes to dislodge it, but he receives no response as Trooper 192 puts down another walker that emerges from the woods. Entering the cab, Maggie orders Wilson to put down the radio at gunpoint. Maggie keeps Wilson prisoner during the fight between the group and the Commonwealth soldiers.

After the fight, Carol, Maggie, Gabriel and Rosita lead Wilson into the building where he refuses to help, stating that he's dead if he helps them. Wilson is shocked to see Nelson's dead body and Maggie warns the man that he's dead if he doesn't help them. Wilson explains that his family lives at a nearby outpost and if the Warden finds out that he helped them, Wilson will end up just like their friends. Rosita explains that the Commonwealth took their children and asks about the family that Wilson had mentioned before suggesting that Nelson had a family too. After a moment, Wilson tells them that there's a map in the train's engine room. Maggie and Carol take Wilson to get the map. Daryl returns and reunites with Connie, admitting in sign language that he was afraid that he wasn't going to see her again. Connie reassures Daryl that she's not going anywhere, causing Daryl to chuckle.

Suddenly, Daryl and Connie hear the sound of Wilson shouting at Maggie and Carol and rush over to see him holding a tool to his own throat while the two women try to talk him down. Wilson is terrified that the Warden will kill his wife and two sons if he helps them. Carol offers that if Wilson helps them, they will injure him, nothing serious, just enough to make it look like the engineer had barely gotten away from them and Wilson can tell the Warden that he escaped. However, Wilson believes that the Warden will know that he lied, torture him once he does and then kill Wilson's family. Despite Carol's efforts to talk him down, Wilson drives the tool through his neck, killing himself in order to spare his family from the Warden's vengeance. The group subsequently puts Wilson down to prevent him from reanimating.


Killed By

Under interrogation by Daryl, Carol, Maggie, Rosita, Gabriel, and Connie about the location of their friends, Wilson commits suicide by stabbing himself through the neck out of fear of what the Warden will do to his family if he talks. When he falls, the tool that Wilson uses is shoved even further through his neck by the impact. The group subsequently puts Wilson down before he can reanimate.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Wilson has killed:

  • Himself (Alive, Suicide)
  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies





TV Series[]

Season 11[]


  • In the Memoriam on Talking Dead for "Outpost 22", he is credited as End of the Line Engineer.
  • Wilson is the last character to commit suicide in the TV Series.