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―This man after both of his hands are amputated.[src]

This Woodbury guard is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a guard in Woodbury.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began. He may have lived in or near Woodbury before the outbreak.


Woodbury, Georgia[]

At some point after the outbreak began, this man became a guard in Woodbury.

The Calm Before[]

This guard was a member of a four-man squad led by Bruce Cooper that were sent to sweep the parking lot of the Wal-Mart near Woodbury due to the nearby National Guard Station being blown up by the prison survivors.

Bruce split his four-man team into two, with Sam accompanying him and the guard to investigate the vehicles in the car-park nearby alongside another guard. When Glenn reveals himself, Bruce immediately recognizes him and shoots him in the chest, the bullets deflect off his riot gear armor. Andrea then shoots Bruce through the neck with her rifle, mortally wounding him. The guards prepers to shoot Andrea but gets his hands amputaded by Michonne. As he screams in pain Michonne decaputates him.

Made To Suffer[]

During a flashback in issue 43, This guard is seen among the crowd in the Woodbury arena listening to the Governor's speech before he reveals Martínez's head. His corpse is later seen when the Governor finds the scene of the shooting and Bruce with a gunshot wound to the neck. Brian prevents Bruce from reanimating and then the party leaves Sam, and the other corpses behind.


Killed By

This guard is disarmed after having both both of his hands amputated, he is then swiftly decapitated by Michonne.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this man has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people


Comic Series[]

Volume 7: The Calm Before[]

Volume 8: Made To Suffer[]

Novel Series[]

The Fall of the Governor - Part Two[]
