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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This Woodbury resident is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of Woodbury, alongside his mother and twin brother.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this boy's life prior to or as the outbreak began. He may have lived in or near Woodbury before the outbreak.


Woodbury, Georgia[]

At some point after the outbreak began, he, his mother and twin brother started living in Woodbury.

The Best Defense[]

"Issue 29"[]

This boy first appears in Issue 29 as he along with his brother are running across the street while his mother is telling them to slow down. The Governor sees them, he greats his mother and tells him and his brother to listen to their mother, this boy stays with his mother and brother while Governor walks away.

This Sorrowful Life[]

"Issue 31"[]

This boy was one of the many Woodbury residents who saw Michonne Hawthorne decapitating Eugene Conney and many other walkers. He was both shocked and traumatized. He closes his eyes while his mother is screaming at the governor for allowing something like this to happened and continue to scream at him as he walks away. He isn't seen again leaving his fate unknown.


Comic Series[]

Volume 5: The Best Defense[]

Volume 6: This Sorrowful Life[]

Novel Series[]

The Fall of the Governor - Part One[]


  • This boy alongside his brother had blond hair in Issue 29, but in Issue 31 both of them have black hair.
    • It is possible that the pictures are of two different characters.