“ | Where?
―This man after he is told where to shoot by The Governor.[src]
” |
This Woodbury soldier is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of Woodbury and a member of the Woodbury Army.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began. He may have lived in or near Woodbury before the outbreak.
Woodbury, Georgia[]
At some point after the outbreak began, this man started living in Woodbury.
Made To Suffer[]
This man is seen participating during the first assault on the prison and is next to Andy when he gets shot.
- Killed By
During the second prison assault, this soldier is caught in the explosion caused by Billy Greene's grenade detonating a vehicle.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this man has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies
Comic Series[]
- Due to this soldier dying in the explosion caused by Billy's grenade. This soldier can be identefied as either, Teddy Grainger or Bart.