Young-Min is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
South Korea[]
Nothing is known about Young-Min's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Jun-Hyuk's Story - Clocking Out[]
Jun-Hyuk and Young-Min hide in a classroom as the school is invaded by the dead. The duo decide to leave the classroom when they see that the coast is clear. As they leave, they find a private and corporal that they know as guards for the safe-zone being eaten by the dead. The two soldiers begin to turn as they leave the school. Once outside and right before they leave the area, they run into Yi-Rang and Jin-Ah and they all leave the premises to look for a new home.
Young-Min's Story - Saying Farewell[]
Young-Min is looking for supplies in a mini-mart when he's attacked by a walker. He kills it and soon realizes that he just killed the Store Owner who he'd often talk to before that apocalypse began. He remembers having always asked him to buy certain candy brands for the store so that he can buy them and the playful arguments that would come from that. He took as much supplies as he could before heading out.
Survival Records - Hope Overseas[]
Jun-Hyuk and Young-Min go into the city, which is mostly overrun by now to look for supplies. They encounter Ji-Ho and Eun-Chan who had just escaped Gimpo International Airport, which was also converted into a safe-zone, after it to got infested by walkers. The group roams around the area while looking for supplies.
Survival Records - Underground Tracks[]
A group consisting of Jun-Hyuk, Young-Min, Ji-Ho, Eun-Chan, and Ju-Seob separate from the rest of their group members which include Yi-Rang, Jin-Ah, and Jin-Tae as they have decided to go back to the airport in hopes of getting on a plane and making it to the US.
Survival Records - Final Flight[]
Eun-Chan, Jun-Hyuk, and Young-Min go to the control tower to help start up the plane. They wait for Ju-Seob and Ji-Ho to appear; however only Ju-Seob reunites with them and says that Ji-Ho sacrificed himself to save him. Eun-Chan is suspicious of this, but despite this the group reaches the plane. On the plane it is revealed that Young-Min is bit and he commits suicide so as not to turn.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Jun-Hyuk has killed:
- Store Owner (Zombified)
- Himself (Suicide)
- Numerous counts of zombies
- Zombies (Caused)
- Himself (Suicide)
Young-Min notices that he was bit and shoots himself in the head to prevent himself from turning.
- Young-Min is the one of two playable original characters to be deceased.
- The other character with this distinction is Stefan.
- Unlike Stefan, when Young-Min was introduced into the game as a playable character, he was still alive.
- Young-Min is one of thirteen All-Stars characters to have initially been introduced in a character's backstory to later physically appear in the game.
- The other twelve characters to have this distinction are Curt, Kane, Grace Lang, Trent, Jin-Ah, Leonard, Eleanor, Nick, Warren, Sawyer, an unnamed Father, an unnamed Daughter, and an unnamed Whisperer.
- He is the first of three to become a playable character.
- The other two characters with this distinction are Kane and Eleanor.