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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This young infected hag is a zombified character in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is a walker encountered by Daniel Salazar.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 3[]


After dying from an unknown cause, this woman reanimates. She encounters Daniel, who flees and hides under a car. As she grabs Daniel a stray dog barks and runs away, distracting her. She then follows the dog.


Killed By
  • Unknown Cause (Alive)

It is unknown what killed her but she died and reanimated.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this woman has killed:


Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 3[]

  • "100" (Zombified)


  • This character marks the only instance in which an unnamed walker gets credited in an episode.